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Facilty & Staff

"Beauty in Heart & Soul"


In a society that frequently prioritizes outward appearances, the essence of true beauty be overlooked.

However, the aesthetics school teaches that real beauty resides not in how one looks, but in the heart and soul of a person.

This inner beauty reveals our truest selves and has the power to change the world.

By fostering and cherishing the beauty within ourselves and around us, we can create a more magical and inspiring environment.

Let us seek beyond the surface uncover the genuine essence of beauty that exists within us all.


Education Department

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Dr. Kwon,HanJin

Ippodaro foundation representative
International Educator
Global DerMaster, Clinic UltraV CEO

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Crystal Vasquez

Master Aesthetician

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Dr. Sheri Yazdanian

International board-certified dermatologist and an international member of American Academy of Dermatology

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Genesis Guajardo

Laser Technician
Beauty Enhancement Dept.

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Dr. Racha Kamel

Professional laser tech laser engineering
Laser Instructor
Laser equipment Advisor

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Ruth Johnson

Prof. Ruth R. Johnson MSN, RN, CMSRN

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Damaris Verdeja

Professional laser tech
Laser Instructor

Dr. Kwon Han Jin Education Department
Dr. Francisco Sauceda

M.D. Mexico
International Educator

Administration & Marketing

Areej Kamil Admission Director
Areej Kamil

Admissions Director

Areej Kamil Admission Director
Veronica Zabith

Administration Assisstant

Areej Kamil Admission Director
Woo Lee

Financial Manager


Dr. Federico Zaragoza Advisor
Dr. Federico Zaragoza

President, College of Southern Nevada
Ippodaro Foundation

Dr. Federico Zaragoza Advisor
Dr. Kang Jaegu

President, Yuma Heal Medical Group
Yuma Heal Medical Group

Dr. Federico Zaragoza Advisor
E. "DOC" Figueroa

President, Sales & Marketing Promotion FINDERS KEEPERS, INC.

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